Call to Action

Mayfield STEAM Bus

This project is created by the students of Mayfield High School and continues year to year as a student driven project.

The STEAM (Science,Technology,Engineering,Arts,Math) bus is a project created by a team of Mayfield High School students, with a goal to create a mobile classroom filled with hands-on learning opportunities. The STEAM Bus will be a collaborative learning space that will allow students and community members a chance to experience the world of STEAM hands on.  The coolest part? the Whole space will be inside of a former school bus.

How to Donate to this Project

1. Enter Amount & Click ‘Add Donation’
2. After clicking ‘Add Donation’ select this project on the dropdown field on the next page
Or Donate to the Wallet Addresses Directly on Here
Donations here will go to Clarkinelli Foundation Wallet
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